Theology Training

For 2023/24 we’re offering a couple of strands from our theological training programmes to anyone who wants to come along.

Monday Evening Theology

This year will be offering 13 Monday Evening Theology sessions covering some New Testament, Pastoral and Mission Studies topics for anyone in the congregation who wants to do a little more advanced theological learning. The sessions are approximately fortnightly and held in the Bunyan Rooms at 30 Fieldhouse Lane from 7.15-9.30pm, it’s £5 for each session and the dates and titles for the rest of the Autumn are below. 

  • 23 October: How do we navigate the diversity of human experience well? 
  • 13 November: The Cross for Beginners: Understanding Jesus’ Saving Death      
  • 27 November: How do we live biblical sexual ethics well in the 21st century?
  • 11 December: Understanding the Resurrection

Tuesday Cake and Theology

Our Tuesday Cake and Theology are in a ‘pre-reading and discussion’ format: for £5 you get coffee, cake (or variants) and a piece of theological reading to read in advance and to come and discuss together. These are held in The Appleby Rooms from 1.15-2.30pm. The rest of the programme for the Autumn is here. 

  • 24 October: What are Hermeneutics and Why Do They Matter?
  • 31 October: How do Four Gospels Witness to One Jesus? 
  • 14 November: Jesus’ Ethics of the Kingdom 
  • 21 November: How are the Gospels ‘History’?
  • 28 November: What is the OT For?