Cells & Clusters

Student Cells and Clusters are at the heart of student ministry at Kings – if Kings is your church in Durham, clusters are the first place to get involved.

Clusters are made up of several small groups (cells). They provide a place for students to participate in Christian community in a context smaller than the Sunday meetings but bigger than a cell: a place for worship, learning and fellowship.

The cell groups within a cluster provide the opportunity for small group discipleship, bible study, and accountability.

Join a Cluster

To get involved in a cluster the best way is to sign up to Kings if you haven’t done so already. Otherwise, let the student team know and they’ll be in touch as soon as possible.

Equip Cluster

Equip meets on Thursday evenings, 7.15pm at The Appleby Rooms.

Equip Cluster meets together every Thursday of the academic term.

Sign up here

Appleby Cluster

Appleby Cluster meets on Wednesday evenings a few times a term all together in the Appleby Rooms.

The other weeks, it meets as individual cell groups around Durham on Wednesday evenings.

Sign up here 

City Cluster

City Cluster is the same as Appleby Cluster except it meets on Thursday evenings.

It meets a few times a term as a whole cluster. The other weeks, City cluster meets as individual cell groups around Durham.

Sign up here